Upper eyelid correction, why?

An upper eyelid correction is aimed at removing excess skin, fat and muscle tissue from the upper eyelid. Common complaints are: tired eyes, drooping eyelids, headache and dry eyes.

A fun fact?

On average we blink 22 times per minute. That means 1320 times per hour (22 x 60) and if you are awake for an average day of 16 hours, 21,120 times per day! As a result, the upper eyelid is constantly moving and this often results in relaxation of the tissues. But there is a good solution, an upper eyelid correction is a common procedure, can be done under local anesthesia, takes 20-30 minutes in total and has an average recovery time of between 7-10 days!


  1. Many clients experience heavy, tired eyes but have become accustomed to this over the years. That this is due to an excess of skin is often not the first thought and that is why we see many people only come after they have been to the optician, GP or ophthalmologist. The muscle that keeps our upper eyelid open is thin and simply cannot properly support the double weight of overhanging skin. You can easily assess this yourself by looking relaxed (without raising your eyebrows!) in the mirror and if only little skin of the upper eyelid is visible, you can generally assume that you have a good indication of this. to have it taken away.
  2. Me time. Plan a quiet week after eyelid correction and try to rest as much as possible. Almost everyone experiences swelling, irritation of the eyes, itching and blueness in the first few days after an upper eyelid correction. The more you cool the first few days (we will provide you with a cooling mask) the faster the complaints will disappear. Bending, straining, straining and sitting at the PC for long periods of time should also be avoided to reduce the swelling. After a week you will generally look neat again.
  3. Eyelid correction is not a seasonal procedure. We see clients all year round who wish to have this procedure. The scar is largely located in the fold and is therefore not exposed to direct sunlight. After each procedure, we recommend applying a high factor to scars for the first year. Always wear good sunglasses in the sun, both summer and winter.
  4. Always make sure that you have an upper eyelid correction done by a medical specialist, for example an eye or plastic surgeon who preferably focuses on cosmetic procedures. Nowadays, eyelid corrections are being performed by more and more (basic) doctors, such as a general practitioner or a cosmetic surgeon. In general, of course: make sure you have it done by someone who has experience in eyelid surgery and who you feel comfortable with. We know from research that the risks are low and few complications occur.

Would you like to know what the options are for you?

Then make an appointment for no-obligation consultation. During this consultation we will discuss your wishes and the options.

038 – 303 55 80.

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Published on 12 September 2021